The unreasonable effectiveness of simple HTML – Terence Eden’s Blog
A lesson on the need for simple, basic HTML vs the bloated bullshit we have today.
A lesson on the need for simple, basic HTML vs the bloated bullshit we have today.
The “smol” net is the “small” net. It’s small because it is build for friends and friends of friends. It doesn’t have to scale to millions of people because those millions should build their own local small nets.
A neat set of little projects and interesting blog.
Low-tech Magazine underscores the potential of past and often forgotten technologies and how they can inform sustainable energy practices.
We’re a tiny and independent two-person not-for-profit based in Ireland.
We are building the Small Web.
No, it’s not web3, it’s web0.
This is a motherfucking website.
And it's fucking perfect.
This is a list of small, free, or experimental tools that might be useful in building your game / website / interactive project. Although I’ve included ‘standards’, this list has a focus on artful tools and toys that are as fun to use as they are functional.
The goal of this list is to enable making outside of closed production ecosystems or walled software gardens.